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Jumpstart Evanston Promotes Entrepreneurship in Evanston

Build your business from the ground up.
Jumpstart Evanston offers a 7-Week Business Bootcamp.
  Plus, pitch your business plan for a chance to win up to $10,000 in start-up/growth funds.

Evanston residents have the opportunity to compete for funds to start and/or grow their businesses.


FREE business classes taught by local, successful professionals to coach & inspire competitors.

Financial Reward

Pitch your business plan for an opportunity to win seed funds to achieve your entrepreneurial dreams!

Our 2023 Winners

Webster Mycology
Momentum Powder Coating
Southfork Restoration
Bubbly Chicks Soaps
Dare 2B Safe
Lark Cab Service

2023 Jumpstart Winners

Learn to Launch

Launch your business and turn your business goals & dreams into reality.  Learn how to . . .

  • Write your own business plan
  • Do basic business accounting & track your progress
  • Choose the right business structure

Confidence to Grow

We help new businesses set & achieve business goals and overcome challenges.  Learn how to . . .

  • Access financing
  • Interpret & track financial records
  • Project for future growth
  • Market your business with the latest tools

Navigate Expansion

As your business grows, your goals will also shift to meet expansion.  Learn how to . . .

  • Plan for business succession
  • Buy an existing business

Jumpstart Evanston Testimonials

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