About Jumpstart Evanston

Your Business Success Is Our Mission

Jumpstart Evanston provides education and resources to entrepreneurs to help them start and grow their business; while providing jobs, spurring economic development, and improving the quality of life in our community.


The Jumpstart Evanston program is supported through the City of Evanston and local businesses/organizations.
Jumpstart is a 501c3 non-profit organization.

How The Program Works

The Jumpstart Evanston program is open to the public.  All individuals will be advised and coached through the process of building a viable business concept.  As part of the program, Jumpstart Evanston registrants will work directly with local stakeholders and entrepreneurs in creating their business concept.

The program consists of 7 two-hour classes, one held each week. Participants will be coached on developing a Business Plan, Accounting, Legal Concepts, Financials, Marketing & Sales, Growing Your Business, and a Business Plan Review.

Registrants will also have the opportunity to participate in the “Business Pitch” Competition. Finalists may be eligible to receive startup funding of up to $10,000 and a one (1)-year Evanston Chamber of Commerce membership.

The Jumpstart Evanston program kicks-off with a “mixer” hosted at Evanston’s Historic Roundhouse in mid-January. Individuals interested in the program will have the opportunity to ask questions and enjoy stories from guest speakers who have experience starting a business locally here in Evanston.

Working The Jumpstart Program

Eligibility Requirements

  • Jumpstart is open to the public
  • Must locate the business in Evanston
  • Business Plans may be submitted by individuals or teams (up to 3 members)
  • An individual cannot be the sole qualifying participant for two teams
  • Must attend all 7 classes and submit a viable business plan
  • Qualifying businesses must be less than 3 years old

Entry Fees: None

Making The Pitch

  • Attend all classes
  • Write a comprehensive business plan
  • Submit the business plan before the designated deadline
  • Create a slide deck summarizing your business plan in 10 slides or less (20-minute time limit)
  • Identify specific business items that you would like funded (under $10,000)
  • Pitch your business on "Pitch Day"

Winning Grant Funding

  • Winners are determined by the judging panel
  • The Board of Directors will approve the expense and send the winner(s) an agreement
  • The winner(s) must submit quarterly reports* (June 1, September 1, December 1, March 1).
  • Funding is reimbursed based strictly on the items identified in your business plan and pitch deck
  • Must provide proof of purchase(s)
  • Checks are sent to the business entity
  • Grants expire one year from the award date

*Quarterly Reports include the following questions

  1.   What progress have you made toward achieving the results you described in your proposal for this period?
    1.   What evidence do you have to demonstrate your success?
    2.   If you did not achieve your intended results, why not?
  2.   Have there been any significant changes in your business since the grant was rewarded (i.e. executive leadership, facilities, locations)?
  3.   Staff numbers and payroll
  4.   As applicable, describe any plans for moving forward (plans for the next 12 months).
    1.   What if anything, will you do differently?
  5.   Any changes since the last report